Season's Change

Finding balance in life is important to developing a person’s character. As individuals, we go through up’s and down’s because life is trying to disrupt our equilibrium. Every year we experience multiple challenges to test our stability. For instance, we experience such things as academic failure, betrayal, rejection, sickness, unemployment, and unproductive interactions with people, which influence us to have a negative worldview. To put it another way, life constantly examines our commitment to achieving our goals and exposes our willingness to change.
According to Hip-Hop Queen, Lauryn Hill, having balance in life is not only the answer to removing a negative worldview but also a part of nature. In her hit song, Everything is Everything she highlights that balance is required to change a negative into a positive picture. As a matter of fact, she emphasizes, “after winter must come spring” to metaphorically describe that change is a natural process. She mentions winter in her lyrics to reveal that life offers some chilling experiences that can be cold and harmful. She declares spring comes after winter to indicate that during cold times there are always warm experiences and opportunities for growth that follow.
However, Lauryn Hill is not the only artist to point out the importance of understanding life thorough seasons. Rhythm and Blues (R&B) group, Jagged Edge have a great record that also discusses the importance of seasons. In fact, they suggest life offers us an opportunity to view nature transform as a demonstration that we can change as well.
Although these artists reference the significance of a season, bible verse Ecclesiastes 3:1 also declares that, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”. In other words, this verse suggests that we must recognize that every experience whether good or bad is unavoidable. Given that change is inevitable, we must use emotional intelligence to maintain balance in our life.
Emotional intelligence is a concept that suggests achieving success is determined by self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Research suggests that people who recognize and regulate these four components are better suited to have balance in their lives because it helps them effectively deal with societal pressures to achieve success.
Pursing this further, using emotional intelligence as a method to balance your life allows you to stay persistent. According to research, individuals who apply this technique avoid making critical decisions during strenuous times because they understand that emotional discomfort in the present will eventually be exchanged for greater rewards in the future. Simply put, individuals that exhibit emotional intelligence have the ability to wait until their inner storm has calmed to make wise choices that contribute to their desired experiences and outcomes.
In summary, controlling your emotions in life is what sets you apart from others. Once you acknowledge that every day above ground is a great day; you will uncover that every day is a blessing despite its challenges. Utilizing emotional intelligence will increase your morale, motivation, and commitment to establishing the balance you need to succeed. Especially, when life is like a professor and going to test you.